Certified Installers
FertiWiser has trained and certified the below installers for the highest professional service and installation of our FertiWiser System.
The standard installed price including the FertiWiser System and FertiWiser Coupling is $1,288 (or $300 for installation only)
Professor Wiseacres
Service Area: Erie and surrounding areas, CO
Email: ProfessorWiseacres@gmail.com
Phone: 720-237-6667
Website: www.ProfessorWiseacres.com
Badass Lawn
Service Area: Firestone, Mead, Longmont, Fredrick, Dacono, Platteville, Del Camino, CO
Email: pros@badasslawn.com
Phone: 720-877-2648 (call or text)
Website: www.basasslawn.com
Kirk’s Sprinkler Blowouts
Service Area: Erie, Monument and surrounding areas, CO
Email: Kirk.a.johnson1@gmail.com
Phone: 720-955-8165